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The Chapel of the Sacred Heart held seven nun’s cells, a dormitory and a lobby, in its north wing.  Described as spartan but pleasant places, the nun’s cells were just big enough for a single bed and cabinet, with a small table and chair by the double-hung sash window in each room. With this simple provision, the cells were sufficient for use as a devotional space. One nuns’ cell is retained in full and the six others are outlined architecturally, as an authentic and evocative part of the past daily lives of the nuns as Erskine College teaching staff.

Before first light, each sister would rise to pray privately in her cell, prior to commencing her day -divided between the choir, the workroom, the schoolroom, the refectory, the recreation room, the cell, and, with active orders, outside work in periodical rotation. Idleness or lack of occupation was never permitted. In the evenings, the nuns would pray or read in their cells until lights-out at 10pm.

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